Audiobook Builder Support
Good help isn't so hard to find.
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For orders on or after May 10th, 2019
For orders before May 10th, 2019
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Read the Help
#26,091,738 on the Times' bestseller list
Read the Help right here in your web browser.
Read in Audiobook Builder
Open Audiobook Builder and go to the Help menu at the top of your screen.
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Questions and Answers
Find your answer right here or drop us a line.
Can I try Audiobook Builder before purchasing a license?
How do I request a new feature I'd like to see in Audiobook Builder?
What audio formats can Audiobook Builder understand?
Does Audiobook Builder work with audio tracks purchased from the iTunes Store?
Does Audiobook Builder work with content?
Why do my audiobook chapter stops appear correctly in iTunes but not on my 3G iPod?
Why does Audiobook Builder limit part length?
Does Audiobook Builder require Apple's Chapter Tool?
Audiobook Builder and the Mac App Store
Can I use the Mac App Store to update my copy of Audiobook Builder?
I purchased Audiobook Builder from your online store. Can I move my license to the Mac App Store?
How do I install Audiobook Builder?
How do I update to the latest version of Audiobook Builder?
Do I need to enter my serial number every time I update Audiobook Builder?
Does Audiobook Builder work on non-English systems?
What are Audiobook Builder's system requirements?
Does Audiobook Builder work on Apple Silicon Macs?
About Audiobook Builder
Can I try Audiobook Builder before purchasing a license?
How do I request a new feature I'd like to see in Audiobook Builder?
What audio formats can Audiobook Builder understand?
Does Audiobook Builder work with audio tracks purchased from the iTunes Store?
Does Audiobook Builder work with content?
Why do my audiobook chapter stops appear correctly in iTunes but not on my 3G iPod?
Why does Audiobook Builder limit part length?
My M4B Audiobooks have an icon with a padlock, and Get Info's Kind field says these files are "MPEG-4 Audio File (Protected)".
M4B files aren't necessarily in a "protected" format, but they can be. For example, Audiobooks purchased from the iTunes Store are usually protected by digital rights management technology, meaning their audio data is encrypted and cannot be read by any unauthorized applications or iPods. However, Audiobook Builder's output, even when it's in an M4B file, is not limited in any way and can be freely edited in most QuickTime applications and shared with users on other Macs. It's not protected at all.
Does Audiobook Builder require Apple's Chapter Tool?
Why does Audiobook Builder take so long to import CDs?
- Launch iTunes
- Select Preferences... from the iTunes menu at the top left of your screen
- In the General section look for the "When you insert a CD" option, just below the middle of the window, and set it to "Show CD"
Can I join or pass through audio files from other apps?
When pass through will not work Audiobook Builder will re-encode the audio data to match the settings in the current Project's Build Options.
Audiobook Builder and the Mac App Store
I want to purchase Audiobook Builder from the Mac App Store but I installed the Audiobook Builder trial from your site and the Mac App Store says Audiobook Builder is already installed.
I purchased Audiobook Builder from the Mac App Store but when I try to launch it I see an error that Audiobook Builder is "damaged".
Can I use the Mac App Store to update my copy of Audiobook Builder?
If you purchased from the Mac App Store, the Mac App Store will tell you when an update is ready. When you see a red badge on the Mac App Store icon in the Dock, or a number badge on the Purchases button at the top of the Mac App Store window, click the Purchases button to see if an Audiobook Builder update is ready to install.
I purchased Audiobook Builder from your online store. Can I move my license to the Mac App Store?
Purchasing from our online store instead of the Mac App Store has its benefits:
- Purchases from our online store can tell you as soon as a new version is available. The Mac App Store can take weeks to approve and let you download updates.
- Purchases from our online store are eligible for special discounts on the next major version. The Mac App Store doesn't support discounts or coupons.
- The Mac App Store charges us quite a bit more per order - almost twice as much as our online store. Purchase directly from our online store to give us more resources to make Audiobook Builder even better. Thanks!
Maintaining Audiobook Builder
How do I install Audiobook Builder?
- Download the latest version.
- If your Mac opens downloads automatically, a window with three icons will appear when the download is complete.
- If the download finishes but a window with three icons doesn't appear, locate the download in the Finder, double-click it, and the window will appear. Downloads go to your Downloads folder, by default. To go there, click the Finder icon on your Dock, go to the Go menu at the top of your screen, and click the Downloads menu item.
- Drag the Audiobook Builder icon to the Applications icon. If you're asked if you'd like to replace a file, click the Replace button.
- Go to the File menu and click the Eject menu item. If the menu item is disabled, return to the window with the three icons, click the white space around the three icons so that nothing is highlighted, then go to the File menu and click the Eject menu item.
If you purchased from the Mac App Store:
- Visit the Audiobook Builder page on the Mac App Store.
- Click the Update,
, or Install button near the Audiobook Builder icon at the top of the page. If you don't see one of these options, you already have the latest update. If you see a button with a price, as if you need to purchase again, go to the Store menu at the top of your screen and be sure you're signed in with the same Apple Account used for your purchase.
What's a Disk Image file?
How do I update to the latest version of Audiobook Builder?
Do I need to enter my serial number every time I update Audiobook Builder?
If you purchased a previous major version of Audiobook Builder, your older serial number won't work. If you haven't received upgrade instructions via email, contact us at for details on how to get a new serial number.
How do I move Audiobook Builder to a new Mac?
System Compatibility
Does Audiobook Builder work on non-English Macs?
What are Audiobook Builder's system requirements?
We recommend macOS 11 or later and a display with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
Audiobook Builder isn't available for Microsoft Windows or Linux.
Does Audiobook Builder work on Apple Silicon Macs?
Does Audiobook Builder work on PowerPC Macs?
Does Audiobook Builder work on Windows or Linux?
General Use
Each time I go to the Help Menu and select Audiobook Builder Help, I get a blank Help window.
To reset the Help Viewer
- Quit Audiobook Builder and close the Help Viewer.
- Click the Finder icon in your Dock.
- Go to the Go menu at the top of your screen and click the Go to Folder... menu item.
- Paste the following path in the Go to the Folder field, including the tilde (~) at the very beginning:
~/Library/Caches - Click the Go button.
- Move any file or folder whose name begins with "" to the Trash.
- Go to the Go menu at the top of your screen and click the Go to Folder... menu item.
- Paste the following path in the Go to the Folder field, including the tilde (~) at the very beginning:
~/Library/Preferences - Click the Go button.
- Move any file or folder whose name begins with "" to the Trash.
- Restart your Mac.
Can I use Audiobook Builder on more than one Mac?
Don't see your answer here? Send us a message and we'll get back to you soon!