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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 1:49 pm 

Joined: Sun May 30, 2021 9:18 pm
Posts: 12
As currently implemented, split transactions are a wonderful extension of Checkbook Pro's capability, but using them can have its difficulties. For instance, if one enters a total before defining the split, that entry is ignored and the total becomes the split total, not the entry total, thus allowing unintended revisions of the entry's total value.

The difficulty is compounded by the implementation of the split entry as a modal panel which cannot be re-positioned so one can see the split entries' effect entry being modified. Sometimes one can circumvent that blinding if there is room on the screen to scroll past it. Modal panels should not alter data they subtend in most situations. And in those situations, the user needs to be warned that they are revising the data the modal panel is only intended to articulate and explicate.

Splits would be more properly dealt with as subtotals of the entry total. Here are a few suggestions on how to implement splits as subtotals of an entry total that will enhance the user's understanding of 'outstanding amount' yet to be accounted for, rather than accepting the split total as a running revision of the entry total:

The use of split transactions if the following capabilities would be simplified, enhanced and more accurate if the following changes were made:

After each split's transaction amount is entered:
    1. If the sum of split entries does not total the entry amount, automatically generate another suggested split, with the outstanding subtotal (either positive or negative) and highlighting and focusing the cursor on the new split's Description panel. This aids the user in keeping track of a running subtotal of each split entry as well as avoiding accidental modification the entry total (which should be allowed but flagged with a warning within the split entry panel).
    2. If the subtotal of split entries equals the total, respond to an "enter/return" key stroke by highlighting and focusing on the entry total, preparatory to the user accepting and closing split transactions. (Currently the "enter" key after entering a split's amount is interpreted as the addition of another split, regardless of whether the subtotal of splits equals the entry total, which then has to be deleted before accepting and closing the split.)
    3. Elsewhere, another user has asked that split entry transactions' "Tax Deductible" checkbox is more properly apportioned to each split entry individually, not the whole transaction. Anyone who deals with transactions composed of sale amt, sales tax, shipping charge will appreciate that! And it would entail a new ability to read, interpret and report split entries in the Smart Folder and Account Summary facilities, which would be a further grand addition of capability to Checkbook Pro!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 11:22 am 
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Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:25 pm
Posts: 802
These are all good ideas, thanks! We'll consider making these changes in a future version.

Allan Woodall
Phosphorescent Phage
Splasm Software

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