Allan W. wrote:
Here are some steps you can follow to quickly mark all entries that fall under a specific Category as Tax-Deducibtle:
1. Be sure you're in the Entry section by clicking the button marked "Entry", down at the bottom.
2. Click the magnifying glass symbol inside the white Search field up top and select the Category Search Option.
3. Type the Category designation into the Search field.
4. Click once over any entry and then go up to click the Edit menu at the top of the screen and select the Select All menu option.
5. Go up to click the Entry menu up top, slide down to hover over "Mark", and then click the As Tax-Deductible menu option.
Unfortunately, there isn't a way to have entries you enter later receive Tax-Deductible status automatically when a particular Category is used. But, perhaps you could begin using Categories that include “Tax-deductible” in them. For example, where you might usually use “Medical” in the Category field, you could put in “Tax-Deductible:Medical” and then you’ll be able to filter for “Tax-Deductible” later when you need to see just those items.
That Almost works but doesn't account for split transactions. I'll need to keep my old system around for reference to previous years it seems.
Going forward I'll just have to avoid split transacction ie ring up stuff separately at purchase point, make multiple payments to a vendor and individually mark all entries. etc.
If an option could be added to select multiple categories for reports it would be more helpful. There's still the problem with splits not really being splits in the true sense but it is what it is.
If I can find a work around for the split entries I could also just print the 11 needed catagories individually each quarter for reference.