I think we've addressed this but misunderstood your follow-ups asking if things had changed.
To recap: CheckBook 2.6.22 would "smoothly" scroll through your Entries as it restored your last selection. We got feedback pretty quickly, from you and others, that this was not one of our better ideas. We walked it back in 2.7.
If I'm guessing correctly, we thought each time you asked that you were talking about the way CheckBook automatically scrolls (smoothly or not) to the last selected Entry(ies) each time you select an Account.
CheckBook has always tried to restore the selection and scroll to it, we just added an animation in 2.6.22 then tossed it like it never happened so things should be like they were before 2.6.22. The way it is now, it
technically automatically "scrolls" to the selection, which explains why Allan kept saying so, but it hasn't been
animated since 2.6.22 so, instead of watching a few thousand Entries fly by, the selection just snaps into position, as centered as it can possibly be. In other words, you don't see the scrolling, it just instantly jumps to the right position.
If you want to be sure 2.7.27 behaves without risking your current installation or data, here's one way to go about it:
- Open your current copy of CheckBook so you can see your data, go to the File menu, at the top of your screen, and use the Backup... feature to save a copy of your document on your Desktop.
- If you have CheckBook, with a green pen in its icon, download the CheckBook Pro trial at https://splasm.com/downloads/checkbook/ ... %20Pro.dmg. If you have CheckBook Pro, with a blue pen in its icon, download the CheckBook trial at https://splasm.com/downloads/checkbook/CheckBook.dmg.
- Open your download but don't actually install the application - just double-click the CheckBook or CheckBook Pro icon in the middle of the window.
- Drag the backup document on your Desktop to the downloaded application's icon on your Dock.
- Kick the tires.
- Quit the application.
- Drag the backup document from your Desktop to the Trash.
- Decide whether to update to the latest version from the Mac App Store.
I hope we just nailed it so you can get back to the latest version. Please let us know, either way!