Hi there!
It feels like we don't have enough detail yet to make a call about what's happened there and how to recover. Have Entries been moved into a different Account? Or is it more like they're out of their usual order? Any chance we've jumped between
CheckBook and
CheckBook Pro or the other way around?
For the second case, the first thing I'd do is make sure your Accounts are sorted by
Date. Click the word
Date at the top of the column of dates once or twice, until your most recent Entries are at the top or bottom of the list, as you like.
For the third case, that would wreak a smidge of havoc if you'd opened a different set of documents in one vs. the other and relied on
Open Recent to switch between documents. The two applications can share documents but they don't share preferences, so the documents in
Open Recent, as well as the location of the last opened document, are independent of each other. If you switched between the two applications by mistake you could see a completely different document and
Open Recent than you're used to.
The first case seems unlikely. It's not something we've ever seen after an update. The only way I could imagine that happening would be a catastrophic mistake in the update code, to the extent a lot more than Entries would be out of place, as well. Since no other user has experienced that, we need to first be sure that's what's happened there. It's probably best for us to continue on that track by email, since we'll end up needing to see your document and the automatic backup CheckBook made of your document just before the update. Would you send a message to
support@splasm.com with as much detail as you can include? Thanks!