Splasm Software Discussions

How to enter a non-check printing item into an account
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Author:  dbreckenridge [ Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  How to enter a non-check printing item into an account

I have one account. All my money goes to this "checking" account. I write checks from it, but I also enter expenses that are automatically paid through my credit card and others that are automatically deducted from by bank checking account. I need to be able to pull up a list using the "Print Checks" menu that is just checks. If I set the Type as "Automatic Draft" or "Credit Card" I am not going to print a check for that item and I don't want to have to wade through all of those non-checks to find the items I really want to print. Is there a way to exclude all but "Type=Check" from that list. I realize I can select the checks I want to print first and then use "Print Checks from Selection", but the program should have a way to only include "Checks" in the print list. Why would I ever want to print a Credit Card or Auto Transfer item in the format that is printed as a check? Any suggestions?
Thanks, Dan

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