Splasm Software Discussions

Author, narrator and performer issues
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Author:  johnd [ Sun Feb 03, 2019 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Author, narrator and performer issues

Audiobook builder works great for me, but I am having a small issue. It seems to confuse author and performer/narrator.

I enter the Author into the correct field, and then the narrator into the "Narrated by" field. I create the audiobook, and then load it into iTunes. The book is recognised as an audiobook by iTunes, and plays fine.

However, If I transfer the file to an iOS device, it lists the narrator as the author. If I look at the properties panel for the book in iTunes, it lists the author correctly, and the narrator field is "album artist".
If I look at the info for an Audible book, the info panel says "narrator", rather than "album artist", and the iOS device correctly lists the author, not the narrator.

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